Local Play Flyers

Rehearsing: Red was a raw showing in the round with actors working through the scenes with scripts in hand. This brutalist approach with black and white photography primed their audience for that rawness.

No Exit is a humorously existential play about death and life with three characters grappling with the sins that stuck them together and landed them in hell. The illustration is a sort of eternal and insidiously amoebic rope that wrenches and entwines them together. Gridded info text grounds the image.

Hand drawn and finished with Illustrator, Photoshop

Made using Illustrator, Photoshop

Stop Kiss is a dark romantic comedy set in 90’s New York. The art is bright and fun, pulling inspiration from artists like Keith Haring, using icons of props from the play.

Made using Procreate, Illustrator, Photoshop

